ochBlog Package 3.0.0 for Joomla 4.3+

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Nieuwe functie
Added Joomla Core Featured view integration: you can now add author and article information to a Joomla Core Featured view
Nieuwe functie
Added Joomla Core Category Blog view integration: you can now add author and article information to a Joomla Core Category Blog view
Nieuwe functie
Added User Aliases: the user aliases are used for constructing the Author Page SEF URL. In version 2.x these aliases where dynamically created. Now they are created and stored per user and can be edited in the back-end to get the 'perfect' author page URL.
Nieuwe functie
Build in (additional) Bootstrap5 and UIKit (Yootheme) layout files, for a better integration with your site's template
Simplified front-end blogmanagement view
Removed Articles List view. This view can now be replaced by a core Joomla view: e.g. Featured or Category Blog view, integrating ochBlog even further with Joomla Core!
Removed CJBlog integration for avatar and author text
Removed EasyProfile integration for avatar and author text (there is no J4 version for EasyProflie)

With version 3.0 ochBlog got a massive rewrite. It is now a full Joomla 4.3+ version build using the latest Joomla API and Coding Standards: making it Joomla 5 version proof! This means ochBlog version 3 will not be available for Joomla version 3.x anymore. If you are still on Joomla 3.x you can download and install ochBlog version 2.x

Before upgrading to version 3.0 create a backup!

Breaking change (breaks existing author page URL's !): The new user aliases are used for constructing the Author Page SEF URL. In version 2.x these aliases where dynamically created. Now they are created and stored per user and can be edited in the back-end to get the 'perfect' author page URL.

Installatie notities

Joomla! 4.4 PHP 8.1 PHP 8.2

Joomla! 5.1 Joomla! 5.2 PHP 8.1PHP 8.2 PHP 8.3

See: Documentation