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Question Exclude Auto Placement

  • Emanuel Rodriguez
  • Onderwerp Auteur
  • Offline
1 jaar 8 maanden geleden #2522 door Emanuel Rodriguez
Exclude Auto Placement werd gestart door Emanuel Rodriguez
Hi. I would like to know 2 things: what does Exclude Auto Placement do? In Auto Placement options.
Is there a way to automatically add ads in the middle of the article and not just at the beggining or end? without having to add the code in each article. 

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1 jaar 8 maanden geleden #2523 door Ruud van Lent
Beantwoord door Ruud van Lent in topic Exclude Auto Placement
Goodmorning Emanuel,

Hi. I would like to know 2 things: what does Exclude Auto Placement do? In Auto Placement options.


The auto placement positions are Joomla Core positions. These positions are used on different 'views' e.g. when you are on an article view (com_content.article), but also on e.g. the featured view (com_content.featured).
So when you select 'after title', it will show after the title on the article view, but also after every title on the featured articles view.

If you only want it to show on the article and not on the featured view, you can exclude com_content.featured.

Is there a way to automatically add ads in the middle of the article and not just at the beggining or end? without having to add the code in each article. 

Yes there is, but (currently) only in combination with an additional plugin.

One of my customers uses the following setup to displays adds after the second image on an article (just as an example):
ochCall2Action is used to insert the addcode with an advanced regex: the regex is a technical term for a 'search' and replace. So it will search for the second occurance of the <img> element on article content and when found it will add the {ochaddads code in that position.
Then the ochAddAds plugin is executed and that replace the code with the actual add.

ochCall2Action has additional 'auto positions' (top, bottom, readmore, after first image, after first paragraph) as well as these advanced 'regex' positions you can define yourself.

I think there are also other (free?) plugins that enable you to do that (regularlabs rereplacer?)

having said this, you are the second one who asked for more positions, so I think the advanced regex option the ochCall2Action plugin has would make a good feature also for ochAddAds. I will put that on the todo list, and do not get your hopes up to fast, top of the todo is J5 and whatever that will bring / break :)
De volgende gebruiker (s) zei dank u: Emanuel Rodriguez

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1 jaar 7 maanden geleden #2524 door eesa mas
Beantwoord door eesa mas in topic Exclude Auto Placement
Hi I would like to exclude some articles and categories by IDs. Is it possible? If not could you add it in the plugin? Without them, it is not useful for me. The documentation is not clear on this.

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1 jaar 7 maanden geleden #2525 door Ruud van Lent
Beantwoord door Ruud van Lent in topic Exclude Auto Placement
Hi Emanuel and Eesa,

as said ochAddAds uses advanced (auto) placement features from ochCall2Action: so a combination of these two plugins can achieve (almost) any placement of the ads.

I have added the task to have the ochCall2Action advanced placements (regex / in- and excludes, etc.) into ochAddAds on my todo list. Because my holidays are starting soo and I will be in maintenance mode myself :) I have subscribed you (Emanual and Eesa) to ochCall2Action: you can now download that plugin as well.

Hope this helps for the short term.


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  • Emanuel Rodriguez
  • Onderwerp Auteur
  • Offline
1 jaar 6 maanden geleden #2534 door Emanuel Rodriguez
Beantwoord door Emanuel Rodriguez in topic Exclude Auto Placement
Oh, I didn't see this. Thank you very much Ruud for the very complete answer and the subscription, you are very kind. 

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1 jaar 3 maanden geleden #2672 door Ruud van Lent
Beantwoord door Ruud van Lent in topic Exclude Auto Placement
Hi starting a discussion to get some tracktion on this and gather some ideas on how / what to extend this plugin with: onlinecommunityhub.nl/forum/ochaddads/49...positions-rules#2671

Feel free to join the discussion!

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