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Need info small problems from the 1st use
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I think I have configured the plugin correctly because I managed to
* display article 1 of the call2action category manually.
* automatically display the same content in top & bottom position
By cons I can not set the following example
category A
top position: article1 / catCall2action
bottom position: module
category B
top position: article2 / catCall2action
... Examples / documentation with tutorial on "Advanced replace" would be appreciated as it seems to be even more powerful
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- Ruud van Lent
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You created a category 'catCall2action' and in that category you have multiple articles
now when setting auto adding call2action to category A articles (e.g. top and bottom), a article from catCall2Action will be inserted in these positions.
same for category B articles.
If you want to have different articles for categoryA and for categoryB, then you need to create two catCall2action categories, e.g. catCall2actionA and catCall2actionB
In the plugin settings you can then configure in the advaned tab the 'advanced category mapping': here you can then configure (In this example I use the names, but it works with the IDs of the categories): categoryA=catCall2actionA;categoryB=catCall2actionB
So an article in categoryA will only insert articles from catCall2actionA and an article in categoryB will only insert articles from catCall2actionB
Does this make sense?
The advanced replacement works with a regex. so here you van for example target the inserted article based on what is in your article.
e.g. you want to insert the call2action article after the 3rd <p>, you set the regex to '/<p.+?>.+?<\/p>/', set the 'action' to add after and the occurrence to 3
it will then add the caall2action article after the 3rd <p> in your article.
This is really powerful as you can target anything (as long as you know how to build the regex), e.g. after every second image etc.
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Thank you for this quick response.
1/ I managed to make 2 call2action for 2 different categories.
However my request was to have 2call2Action in 1 same category
category A
top position: article1 / catCall2action
bottom position: module
2 / I do not have an urgent request but I would have liked a real example in the documentation to go faster
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- Ruud van Lent
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you cannot configure or decide what article gets inserted in what position: inserted articles are picked randomly from the articles in the call2action category: that is how it is designed to work.
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It is on this plugin that I ask myself the most questions about its interest.
Indeed, I can put 2 different modules on certain position of the page. I thought I was going to be able to manage multiple displays in the content in a finer way with your plugin.
also I will appreciate a small tutorial / examples on the advanced function "Advanced replace" which seems really original and decisive for the use of this plugin
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- Ruud van Lent
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- Berichten: 1673
- Ontvangen bedankjes 108
In my earlier response there was already an example:HDcms schreef : also I will appreciate a small tutorial / examples on the advanced function "Advanced replace" which seems really original and decisive for the use of this plugin
The advanced replacement works with a regex. so here you can for example target the inserted article based on what is in your article.
e.g. you want to insert the call2action article after the 3rd <p>, you set the regex to '/<p.+?>.+?<\/p>/', set the 'action' to add after and the occurrence to 3
it will then add the caall2action article after the 3rd <p> in your article.
Tell me what you want to achieve and I will describe based on that use case.
please understand that this is an advanced feature with 'unlimited' possibilities / use cases so i can only document high level how it works to give the users an idea of what is possible. To document every possible use case is not going to be usefull / will never be complete. there are also some very good sources for learning regex at which i point to in the documentation / plugin
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