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To resolve this, check your email (Spam folder?) for a message to approve your server or device, or read our detailed blog post here(
onlinecommunityhub.nl/best-practice/new-...-extension-downloads) to understand the steps involved. This will guide you through approving your server for future updates.
No bug different rendering on a site under construction
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- Berichten: 121
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I can't understand why I have a different rendering on a site under construction (j!4.0.4) and 2 test sites ( j!4.0.5 and j!4.1 beta 3)
On the site under construction, I don't see the thumbnail image
The code seen in debug mode is
<div class="responsive-video ochfitvids-iframe-video-wrapper"><div data-src=" www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8oSIq5mxhv8" class="lazyframe lazyframe--loaded" data-vendor="youtube_nocookie" data-thumbnail=" img.youtube.com/vi/8oSIq5mxhv8/sddefault.jpg" style="aspect-ratio: 560 / 314; background-image: url(" img.youtube.com/vi/8oSIq5mxhv8/sddefault.jpg");">
on the test sites, everything is correct
the code seen seems normal:
<iframe loading="lazy" src=" www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8oSIq5mxhv8" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" data-original-width="560" data-original-height="314">
Do you see what can happen.
I have the cookies-ck plugin but disabling it no problem ?
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- Ruud van Lent
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- Berichten: 1673
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what I see is that the first (under construction) has some extension / plugin enabled that does lazy loading via a script and also does other things like add a data-thumbnail attribute (which points to an image.
The second example (the one that works is not parced by that plugin but rendered as is by ochFidvids.
So issue is most likely in another extension / plugin handling iframes.
Can you check that?
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I searched for the culprit among the installed extensions but found nothing: -(
I used to use the "all videos" plugins for videos, then osYoutube from joomlashack. I also just uninstalled their framework!
I have cleared the cache several times and I have the same problem with cassiopea.
I also searched for "joomla data-thumbnail" in search engines, but without result.
It's not a big deal but if you have another idea.
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- Ruud van Lent
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- Berichten: 1673
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when not accepting cookie maybe this plugin makes everything 'hidden' from youtube by setting the anonymous image / link etc.?
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I just uninstalled this extension. No improvement. I spent several hours on it, I give up for the moment, hoping 1 day to get there!
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- Ruud van Lent
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in the sites folder. That will search all files for the word lazyframe and list them (if found).
when found you can see in the filename / path which extension it is.
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- Berichten: 121
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I had completely forgotten that this extension had a google speed tab and several settings especially on iframes.
I'm not going to be able to remove it, because I need it on this site to have 2 menu trees that give specific urls.
I tried to modify some settings, but it breaks the blog layout with videos. The one on the right column partially overlapping the other.
The problem is that ~5% of the videos will load an image by default (this is probably due to a setting in the video channel)
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