In a short discussion I had with Tim Davis regarding building a paywall on a Joomla site for one of his customers we decided to to a 'Watch me work' live session on his Youtube channel. If you haven't subscribed to his channel yet, you need to do it as you are missing out on some very nice and interesting Joomla Topics!
In this session I will be explaining some basic Joomla features that can be used to protect your content whilst still showing part of it to regular visitors. In the video I will also show you how you can turn that build-in Joomla protection into a full paywall functionality using ochSubscriptions component and the ochSubscriptions Content plugin.
In this video we will be creating an online course and you will also see some of my other plugins showing off their simplicity in creating high quality content: ochFitvids for the video used in the course and ochFoundation5 plugin for styling the course with nice attractive and informative alerts and organizing the course content into a slider / accordion.
I will also demonstrate how you can even display a PDF on any device (so also on mobile devices that normally not display but download the pdf).