About Ruud van Lent
Pro-BloggerTop BloggerThought Leader
With a solid background in ICT (operational, tactical and strategic) and years of experience in the community life, I see in communities and community thinking the future for companies.
This future requires another way of thinking and doing; both for executives and employees. It's not about me; it's about you. Your well-being and your (personal) growth.
'What comes around - goes around'
In the world of communities, the old 'management laws' no longer work and are even counterproductive.
I coach leaders and organizations in their quest for how new and servant leadership can contribute to communities and community thinking, and as a result to the growth of the organization.
I do this from the following initiatives:
- ruudOntwikkelt | Leadership coaching and Organisation development
- Platform Lerende Leiders | The #1 Community for and by Leaders
- Onlinecommunityhub | It's all about the Community...
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Created: 2023-09-23
Category: Communicatie
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Category: Community tools
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Category: Community tools
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Created: 2016-01-10
Category: Community tools
Evergreen BlogHits: 17843Reading time: 03:48
Created: 2015-09-16
Category: Communities bouwen
Evergreen BlogHits: 17087Reading time: 03:27
Created: 2015-09-25
Category: Organisatie
Evergreen BlogHits: 16399Reading time: 03:05