Experiencing a 401 Unauthorized Error During Update?

If you're seeing a 401 Unauthorized error when trying to update your Joomla extension, it's likely due to our new two-factor authentication (2FA) security measure for your Download ID.
To resolve this, check your email (Spam folder?) for a message to approve your server or device, or read our detailed blog post here( onlinecommunityhub.nl/best-practice/new-...-extension-downloads) to understand the steps involved. This will guide you through approving your server for future updates.

Contentmarketing, Engagement en Community Management Tools

Question The best way to show Social Sharing buttons in Kunena

7 years 1 month ago #697 by Ruud van Lent

ochjssocials kunenaSocial Sharing buttons are a great way to get your message across to your potential customers and to generate traffic to your website.

They should be fast, in line with your website UI AND consistent over all pages on your website.

Kunena comes with the jssocials script out of the box to display Social Sharing buttons on your forum, but these buttons lack some functionality: