Experiencing a 401 Unauthorized Error During Update?

If you're seeing a 401 Unauthorized error when trying to update your Joomla extension, it's likely due to our new two-factor authentication (2FA) security measure for your Download ID.
To resolve this, check your email (Spam folder?) for a message to approve your server or device, or read our detailed blog post here( onlinecommunityhub.nl/best-practice/new-...-extension-downloads) to understand the steps involved. This will guide you through approving your server for future updates.

Need info "og:image" with YoothemePRO

1 year 2 months ago #2605 by Josean Telleria
"og:image" with YoothemePRO was created by Josean Telleria

We have problems with this website because the homepage takes an image that we don't want. Is it possible with YoothemePRO to get the image that we want? The homepage of this website is full of dynamic content.  www.hamaika.eus/

Thank you!

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1 year 2 months ago #2606 by Ruud van Lent
Replied by Ruud van Lent on topic "og:image" with YoothemePRO
Hi Josean,
thanks for reaching out.

Yes that is possible, depending on how the frontpage is constructed that is: if it is a joomla article, you could set the og:image / twitter:image via a Custom Article field. You first need to create these custom fields in Joomla and then configure them in ochOpenGraph.

see: onlinecommunityhub.nl/documentation/ochopengraph-content-plugin > tab Documentation > tab Custom image Fields

or you could add a custom module to the frontpage where you set as content: { ochopengraph image="link to your image"}

see: onlinecommunityhub.nl/documentation/ochopengraph-content-plugin > tab Manual Settings

could you try this and see if it works?

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